Dear Parents,
Returning to school to resume in-person learning requires great care and planning. This is exactly what we've been working on for the past few weeks. Meticulously, using best practices from around the world, we've identified ways in which we can invite our students back to campus.

When the pandemic took the world by surprise, HLC was amongst the first to set guidelines and best practices for going entirely LIVE Online. We shared our best practices with several schools during a time when people were taking time to grapple with the situation before moving ahead. Our facilitators upskilled at a rapid pace and successfully enabled online learning for all children. Many of you have shared your praises for the quality of our online facilitation and have thanked us profusely! Thank you for your support and encouragement during these difficult times. We wouldn’t have been effective without your support, the learning mindset of our facilitators and the adaptable attitude of our children!
Here we are now, setting the stage for welcoming our dear children into the social incubator space that is HLC! A space that is welcoming, caring and filled with happiness, fun and joy! One wouldn’t have realised that welcoming children back would require even more planning and preparation work as compared to the work that had to be done while transitioning to online mode of learning. We are at the learning edge again and as is our practice, we have not just put in “processes” in place but “thought processes” and efficient teams to ensure that we not only follow and abide by safety guidelines but also ensure that every child is provided with optimum learning opportunities.
While we have been receiving learners of grades 9 - 12 into the physical space, we invite you to kindly read on to understand the plan moving forward as we get ready to receive learners from grades 1 - 8 as well.


  • These guidelines will be applicable to all learners who opt for in-person learning sessions @ HLC’s physical space.
  • It will be operative with immediate effect.


  • To ensure a safe space for adults and children.
  • Gradual and staggered opening of physical learning space

Precautionary measures @ home:

  • In case, the learner shows signs of fever, cold or cough, it would be recommended to retain the child at home
  • A mail of the child’s absence may be sent to the respective group co-ordinators.

Sanitizing & Restroom:

  • Hand sanitizer kiosks will be placed at multiple spots.
  • Importance of sanitizing routines will be reinforced regularly.
  • Restroom breaks will be staggered to avoid crowding at the same time.
  • Cleaning staff will ensure regular cleaning of classrooms, restrooms, common play areas and seating areas.

Temperature Check-in on entry:

  • Learners must enter school through the side entrance like they did before.
  • Temperature check-in posts will be assigned at both gates.
  • Learners will be scanned for temperature check ins.

Space Allocation:

  • HLC Classrooms are large (700 sqft) and airy (hollow ventilated bricks) spaces designed to accommodate a little over 30 learners comfortably. However, in accordance with physical distancing norms, we will plan for safe and optimal seating arrangements depending on the grade level of learners.

Multiple modes of learning:

  • Every grade will have a mixed mode of classes with at least one online class per week. Timetable will reflect the mode of class.
  • In case your child opts out of in-person class, hybrid mode of learning can be availed. Learners can login through respective subject Google Classroom and attend the session virtually.
  • In case of any doubt clarification, the learners can post their doubts in GC or Gchat.
  • In case of network issues during the session, related learning material will be posted by the facilitator in the Google Classroom. The learner may approach the facilitator for guidance and support on the missed out session at a mutually convenient time.
  • Sessions that are conducted for transition and social skill building are for holistic development and team building. Hybrid mode enablement is not feasible for these sessions.


  • If you had opted out of in-person session for your child earlier, but wish to avail the same at a later date, please send prior communication to the group coordinator of the same. This will avoid any disruption to the daily routine.

Please also note that there will be several communications post this one to specify how this is applicable for your child’s context depending on the grade that your child is in. Kindly stay tuned and reach out to us for any doubts or clarifications.
Wishing all of us a safe and joyful return to our Circle In The Round!

Warm Regards,
Welcome Back to HLC Team