Teach at HLC, in Karanai, CHENNAI

We are delighted that you would like to be a part of our journey in making learning visible, meaningful and exciting, so our learners develop essential skills for adult hood: Empathy, Leadership, Creativity and Teamwork.

As educators, we seek to prepare our students for the future — to equip them with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that will help them become productive, reflective, responsible members of their communities as they move into adulthood. But none of us can predict the kind of future that awaits them. So how do we shape learning experiences that prepare our students for an uncertain future? We have some thoughts on this, but we’d like to hear from you first.

So please fill out this form and we’ll then share with you, how we
help them understand how to apply their knowledge and skills in situations
that they have never encountered before and learn with understanding.

Please complete this application form below

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