We did not start the school wanting to be India's first Ashoka Changemaker School, or being the best school in Chennai or the first organisation without CBSE/ICSE affiliation to become an NIOS Acredited Institution. We didn't even start out by thinking about who will choose Headstart Nursery and Primary School for their children. We didn't have to. The reason everyone (Harvard Graduate School of Education or Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Andra Pradesh and Delhi Govt or Luzembourg and Bhutan Govt) celebrates us is because we empower curious learners to become mindful leaders.
We too began as the school, but we quickly realised the school system, by and large, is doing the wrong things rightly. Schools everywhere are all still preparing young people to do mundane work without rebelling, which is the original purpose for which mass schooling was set up. But that was needed 200 years ago. We understand this by looking at schools closely: Uniform (to look alike, aka factory workers), bell (to follow orders), everyone doing the same assessment (quality control in manufacturing plants), and graduating as batches (even Britannia biscuits are manufactured in 'batches').
The world requires producers, more specifically, leaders, not so many consumers. HLC envisions a future where organisational leaders around the world lead with empathy, public and social mindedness, and a collaborative and inclusive mindset and create a just world where all can thrive. We require school going children to become empathetic, publicly and socially responsible, skilled, knowledgeable and inclusive leaders of tomorrow.
Our book on education reimagination was launched during Christmas 2021. Please visit the school to know how you can get a copy for yourself.
Kate Nash
An Enabler of Children
From Learners That Are Enabled, Not Prepared
Yash Rajeshwar, in 2009
CEO, AuxoHub
Abhay Menon, in 2019
@ New York University
Laya Shankar, in 2019
@ Symbiosis University
Naomi Nash, in 2011
Home Care Provider, Radfield
Sanjit Sudarsan, in 2019
@ FLAME University, 2019
Sanjay Sudarsan, in 2019
@ Ashoka University
Aayushi Srinivasan, in 2014
Edinburgh University